The Trustees:
The Trustees shall be duly charged by the congregation to be responsible for the administration, maintenance, and protection of all physical properties owned or leased by the Church, as well as all Church funds (other than the Benevolence Fund); They prepare a proposed budget for approval by the Coordinating Committee and recommend its adoption to the Annual Business Meeting of the Church; administer the adopted Church budget and regularly review financial statements with input from the Financial Secretary and Treasurer; Ensure that adequate controls are implemented to guarantee that all funds belonging to the church are appropriately handled by any officer, employee, or agent of the church; arrange for annual review of the financial records of the Church; appoint, as needed, a member of the Church to act as Assistant Treasurer; prepare and conduct stewardship campaigns, with the approval of the Coordinating Committee, for the underwriting of the Church’s ministry goals and budget; be a resource to the Church on personnel matters; recommend changes in compensation for Staff related to the Trustees’ area of responsibility for consideration by the Coordinating Committee; and authorize individual non-budgeted expenditures up to $2,000.00 from a contingency fund established in the annual budget.